
Privacy policy

浏览器次数:1 发表日期:2022-10-28

Privacy policy



Our privacy policy was d on 2022/10/8. We have revised the privacy policy. From that date, this privacy policy can provide details on how we manage the privacy of personal infmation disclosed by you when using Huida Z90 intelligent toilet products services.


Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices let us k you have any questions.


We promise you


This privacy policy species how Huida Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as 'Huida Sanitary Ware' 'we') collect, use, disclose, process protect the infmation you provide to us when using our products services; we require you to provide certain infmation to very your identity when using Huida Sanitary Ware products services, we will only use this infmation in strict compliance with this Privacy Policy / our user terms conditions.


This privacy policy is fmulated with full consideration of your needs; It is essential that you fully underst our personal data collection use practices are confident that you can ultimately control the personal infmation provided to Huida Sanitary Ware.


In this privacy policy, 'personal infmation' refers to the data that can identy specic individuals after contacting the infmation itself other infmation of individuals that Huida Sanitary Ware can access.


By using Huida Sanitary Ware products services, you mean that you have read, recognized accepted all the terms described in this privacy policy, including any changes we make from time to time. We undertake to protect the privacy, confidentiality security of your personal infmation in accdance with applicable laws, including the data protection laws of your location. At the same time, we promise all our employees agents to fulfill these obligations.


Finally, what we want is to bring the best experience to our users.


What infmation is collected how is it used?


Types of infmation collected


In der to provide you with our services, we will ask you to provide the personal infmation necessary to provide you with the services. you do not provide personal infmation, we may not be able to provide you with our products services.


We collect the following types of infmation (whether personal not):


Netwk infmation: infmation related to your device, including device IP address, MAC address, Wi Fi SSID passwd you actively provided to us; F such infmation, we will ste it on a secure server after encryption.


Equipment usage infmation: we will collect infmation related to your equipment functions, including Huida Sanitary Ware intelligent toilet on / off status, operation status, col temperature status, brightness status circuit status.


Equipment infmation: we may collect use your equipment infmation, such as equipment installation location (such as bedroom), user equipment name, manufacturer, equipment model, product model infmation, product serial number, IP address, MAC address, firmware version, equipment time zone software system version.


Feedback infmation: when you use the user feedback function, we may collect the problem log, the contact infmation you actively provide the feedback content.


Intelligent scene infmation: when you the intelligent scene function, we may collect infmation related to your intelligent scene settings, including intelligent scene name, intelligent scene execution log, condition operation list, effective time period setting, execution result notication setting, setting to start disable the intelligent scene.


How will this personal infmation be used


The purpose of collecting personal infmation is to provide you with products / services ensure that we comply with applicable laws. You hereby agree that we process personal infmation f the purposes specied in this Privacy Policy disclose personal infmation to our affiliates (which involve communication, social media, technology cloud businesses) third-party service providers (as defined below).


We may use your personal infmation f the following purposes:


Provide, process, maintain, improve develop our goods / services provided to you, including after-sales service customer suppt, as well as services provided through equipment website


Communicate with you about your equipment, services any general inquiries (such as s, customer consultation suppt, infmation about our activities, notices), etc.


Ste maintain infmation related to you f our business legal obligations


Me details on how we use your infmation, which may contain personal infmation, are provided below:


Provide you with basic equipment functions. We may use the equipment related infmation to provide you with col temperature, col / light setting, start / pause / continue / terminate setting, local function list browsing use, equipment fault reminder other functions.


Equipment sht circuit fault reminder: in case of sht circuit fault, the equipment has been shut down.


Equipment open circuit fault reminder: in case of open circuit fault, the equipment has been shut down.


Collect user feedback. The feedback you choose to provide is extremely valuable to help  improving our service. In der to track the feedback you choose to provide, Huida Sanitary Ware may use the personal infmation you provide to contact you keep recds.


What infmation is collected how is it used? Huida Sanitary Ware third-party service providers use technologies such as, tags s. These technologies are used to analyze trends, manage websites, track users' website activities, collect demographic infmation about the entire user . We will receive separate aggregate repts from these companies d on the use of the above technologies.


Log files: like most websites, we collect specic infmation save it in log files. Such infmation may include Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), reference / exit page, operating system, date / time stamp click stream data. We will not the automatically collected data to other infmation we collect about you.


Mobile analysis: in some mobile applications, we use mobile analysis software to better underst the functions of our mobile software in your phone. This software may recd the following infmation, such as how often you use the application, events in the application, cumulative usage, perfmance data the location of application crash. We will not the infmation sted in the analysis software to any personal infmation you submit in the mobile application.


Who do we share your infmation with?


We will not sell any personal infmation to third parties.


We may sometimes disclose your personal infmation to third parties (as defined below) in der to provide the products services you require.


We may make disclosures to third-party service providers affiliates listed below in this section. In all cases described in this section, you can rest assured that Huida Sanitary Ware will only share your personal infmation accding to your authization. You should underst that in any case described below, when Huida Sanitary Ware shares your personal infmation with a third-party service provider, Huida Sanitary Ware will stipulate the practices obligations of the third party through the contract comply with the applicable local data protection laws. Huida Sanitary Ware will ensure that the third-party service providers comply with the privacy stards applicable to them in your jurisdiction through the contract.


Share infmation with others


When meeting the legal requirements, Huida Sanitary Ware may disclose your personal infmation without further consent.


Infmation that does not require consent


We may share anonymous infmation with third parties (such as advertisers on our website) in the fm of aggregation f commercial purposes; We may share with them general usage trends of our services, such as the number of customers in a specic population who buy certain products engage in certain transactions.


F the avoidance of doubt,Huida Sanitary Ware may collect, use disclose your personal infmation without your consent under the circumstances within the scope expressly permitted by the local data protection law (f example, in der to comply with the summons), when we may believe in good faith that in der to protect our rights, protect your safety the safety of others Disclose your infmation without your consent when disclosure is necessary to investigate fraud respond to government requests.




Security measures of Huida Sanitary Ware


We promise to ensure the security of your personal infmation. In der to prevent unauthized access, disclosure other similar risks, we have implemented reasonable physical, electronic management measures processes to protect the infmation we collect from your products Huida Sanitary Ware website. We will take all reasonable measures to protect your personal infmation.


All your personal infmation is sted on a secure server protected in a controlled facility. We classy your data accding to imptance sensitivity, ensure that your personal infmation has the highest security level. We guarantee that employees third-party service providers who provide products services to you by accessing these infmation have strict contractual confidentiality obligations. they fail to fulfill these obligations, they will be subject to disciplinary action termination of cooperation. In summary, we regularly review infmation collection, stage processing practices, including physical security measures, to prevent any unauthized access use.


We will take all feasible measures to protect your personal infmation. However, you should be aware that the use of the Internet is not always safe. Therefe, we cannot guarantee the security integrity of any personal infmation during two-way transmission through the Internet.


What can you do!


You can play a role in protecting the security of your personal infmation by not disclosing your login passwd account infmation to anyone (unless this person is officially authized by you).


Huida Sanitary Ware is not responsible f security omissions caused by third parties accessing your personal infmation due to your failure to maintain the privacy of your personal infmation. Notwithsting the above provisions, any other user of the Internet uses your account without authization any other security vulnerability occurs, you must noty us immediately.


Your assistance will help us protect the privacy of your personal infmation.


Retention policy


 it is necessary to achieve the purpose of collecting infmation, comply with the requirements permission of applicable laws, we will always retain personal infmation. As long as we can reasonably infer that the retention of personal infmation cannot achieve the purpose of collecting personal infmation, it is no longer necessary to retain infmation f legal, dispute resolution, enfcement of our agreement other business purposes, we will no longer retain personal infmation, eliminate the way to associate personal infmation with specic individuals.


You can control your infmation!


Control settings


Huida Sanitary Ware ackledges that everyone has dferent concerns about privacy. Therefe, we provide some examples to illustrate the various ways provided by Huida Sanitary Ware f you to choose to restrict the collection, use, disclosure processing of your personal infmation control your privacy settings:


Log in out of Huawei account


Bind unbind devices


Access, , crect your personal infmation


You have the right to request access to / crection of any personal infmation held by us related to you. When you your personal infmation, we will ask to very your identity befe we process your request.Once we have sufficient infmation to process your request to access crect your personal infmation, we will respond to your request within the time specied by applicable data protection laws.


Withdrawal of consent


You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use / disclosure of your personal infmation in our possession control by submitting a request. We will process your request within a reasonable time after you make the request, will no longer collect, use / disclose your personal infmation accding to your request.


Please note that your withdrawal of consent may lead to certain legal consequences. Accding to the scope you withdraw, it may mean that you cannot enjoy the products services of Huida Sanitary Ware.


Transfer personal infmation outside your jurisdiction


 we need to transfer personal infmation outside your jurisdiction, whether to our affiliates third-party service providers, we will fully infm you in accdance with applicable laws obtain your authization. By implementing appropriate security measures, we ensure that all such transfers meet the requirements of applicable local data protection laws, will not change all our commitments to comply with this privacy policy to protect your personal infmation.


Other regulation




We believe that it is the responsibility of parents to supervise children's use of our products services. However, our policy does not require obtaining personal infmation of mins sending any promotional materials to such people.




 you agree to the applicable user agreement there is any inconsistency between such user agreement this privacy policy, such user agreement will prevail.


of privacy policy


We will review the privacy policy on a regular basis. In der to reflect changes in our infmation practices, we may this privacy policy. we make signicant changes to this privacy policy, we will noty you via mobile device via email (to the email address designated by your account), so that you can underst the infmation we collect how we use it. Such privacy policy changes will apply from the effective date specied in the notice. We recommend that you regularly check this page f the latest infmation about our privacy practices. you continue to use the products services on websites, mobile phones / any other devices, you will be deemed to have accepted the d privacy policy. When we collect me personal infmation from you we want to use disclose your personal infmation f new purposes, we will obtain your consent again.


Do I have to agree to any third party terms conditions?


Our privacy policy does not apply to products services provided by third parties. Huida Sanitary Ware products services may include third-party products services, as well as s to third-party websites. When you use these products services, your infmation may also be collected. Therefe, we strongly recommend that you take some time to read the privacy policy of the third party, just like our policy. We are not responsible f how third parties use the personal infmation they collect from you, n can we control its using. Our privacy policy does not apply to other websites ed through our services.


Thank you


Huida Sanitary Ware CO., Ltd

Address: No.7 Huida Road, Huanggezhuang Town, Fengnan District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province

Email: info@huidagroups.com